The CLI-221 value pack features Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow colors that deliver improved color, a wider color gamut and better color fastness
- Print with genuine Canon ink and photo paper to achieve optimum results through the ChromaLife100+ System which will deliver stunning results and longevity.
- A combination of new inks and new media designed to deliver exceptional beauty and longevity.
- Canon CLI-221 ChromaLife 100+ black/color value pack includes 4 ink cartridges: ChromaLife 100+ Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.
- Recycling solution — designed to encourage recycling, helping you divert materials from landfill.
Safety Data Sheet
Manufacturer # | 2946B004 |
Brand Name | Canon |
Eco-conscious | Recycling Solution |
Ink Series | CLI-221 |
Ink/toner Color | Black; Cyan; Magenta; Yellow |
Manufacturer | CANON USA, INC. |
Model | 221 4 Color Pack |
Number of Units (black) | 1 |
Number of Units (color) | 3 |
Original Printer Series | CANON PIXMA |
Pack Type | Multi-Pack |
Post Consumer Recycled Content Percentage | 0 % |
Print Technology | Inkjet Printer/Copier/Fax |
Remanufactured | No |
Yield | Standard Yield |
The CLI-221 value pack features Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow colors that deliver improved color, a wider color gamut and better color fastness
- Print with genuine Canon ink and photo paper to achieve optimum results through the ChromaLife100+ System which will deliver stunning results and longevity.
- A combination of new inks and new media designed to deliver exceptional beauty and longevity.
- Canon CLI-221 ChromaLife 100+ black/color value pack includes 4 ink cartridges: ChromaLife 100+ Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow.
- Recycling solution — designed to encourage recycling, helping you divert materials from landfill.
Attribute Name | Attribute Value |
Canon CLI-221 ChromaLife 100+ Black And Cyan, Magenta, Yellow Ink Cartridges, Pack Of 4, 2946B004
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