
Quickly complete math queries with this calculator
  • Large buttons make pressing the right number more intuitive. Extra-large plus key makes calculations fast.
  • Automatic tax keys, a percent key, a square root key, a clear memory key and a backspace key enable flexible use.
  • Features solar power with battery backup to ensure the calculator is ready when needed.
  • Backed by the manufacturer's 1-year limited warranty.
  • Large, 1-line LCD display features an angled design for easy reading. 10 characters per line for extended calculations.
  • 4-number memory to accommodate your needs.
Manufacturer # EL-330WB
Alphanumeric Display Yes
Automatic Shutoff Yes
Batteries Included Yes
Brand Name Sharp
Case Included No
Color White
Depth 5-1/2 in.
Dimensions 1-3/10 in. X 3-1/2 in. X 5-1/2 in.
Height 1-3/10 in.
Key Size Large
Warranty 1-Year Limited
Width 3-1/2 in.
Quickly complete math queries with this calculator
  • Large buttons make pressing the right number more intuitive. Extra-large plus key makes calculations fast.
  • Automatic tax keys, a percent key, a square root key, a clear memory key and a backspace key enable flexible use.
  • Features solar power with battery backup to ensure the calculator is ready when needed.
  • Backed by the manufacturer's 1-year limited warranty.
  • Large, 1-line LCD display features an angled design for easy reading. 10 characters per line for extended calculations.
  • 4-number memory to accommodate your needs.
Attribute Name Attribute Value
Sharp by Sharp EL-330WB

Sharp White Series Desktop Calculator, EL-330WB

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